Epoxy Furniture: What is it and Why? For those of you reading this that are not familiar with what epoxy is, it is a two-part adhesive that is formed when one mixes epoxy resin and hardening compound. There are many benefits to utilizing this material in the creation of furniture. For one it is highly versatile and it has tremendous strength which is why many people use it for DIY projects. But it is also a great gap filler. To
Often, when we think of the holidays we think of delicious meals and time well spent with family, we think of wonderful moments and tasty desserts. Often this is also the time where we realize that our lovely abode is in need of some greatly needed upgrades. Prepare for 2022 day upgrading your kitchen before or after this holiday season. At Vida we have the latest and greatest in interior design, we have an outstanding selection of natural and beautiful
2021 has been an interesting year for everyone but especially for the interior design industry. With people spending more time at home everyone is looking to upgrade their storage solutions as well as their decor and the industry has seen a rise in demand for rustic/classic designs that create a warm/hearty feeling inside reminiscent of the lovely abodes of the past. Of course the all white kitchen cabinets that have been the staple of modern design are not going anywhere
Custom kitchens are not a new concept, in fact it’s something to take you back to the days where machines were not making everything around us. Custom handcrafted used to be the standard, until cookie cutter sets became mainstream and everything became ready from the box. This of course is limiting, because it doesn’t allow you the flexibility to truly design your space. Finding the right cabinet designer nowadays is challenging and finding one that manufactures everything in house and
In the modern era there is a natural/organic craze in regards to most foods, skin care products and drinks, but one aspect people tend to often overlook is their environment and their surroundings. Studies have shown that the presence of plants and the utilization of natural woods in regards to your furniture and your cabinetry can improve the mood, the air quality as well as your general well being. Natural woods don’t just look amazing, they are also amazing for